Microsoft, for the most part, stank (it was Kinectmania). Ubisoft annoyed me with their host Aisha Tyler introducing games I generally didn't care about. EA was EA as usual. Sony did a lot more of the same--sequels with little-to-no major changes, a showy 3D-scanned motion-captured "cinematic" game (Beyond, from the makers of Heavy Rain but not as good), a shameless clone of successful Nintendo game, and introducing an stupid investment that no one who owns a PS3 will buy (WonderBook).
Now this leaves me to Nintendo, which whom, personally, I was favoring. I'm quite fond of the interesting concept of Wii U. I've followed its development from day one. I can see its clear potential in gaming. After a largely boring and disappointing E3 thus far, the ball was clearly in Nintendo's court. But Nintendo really dropped the ball. In terms of presenting, yet again they present an interesting piece of hardware but once again they failed to provide an impressive list of launch games.
They introduced a new system that was clearly the best hardware of E3 (the Wii U console--namely the Wii U GamePad controller), and started off by introducing the long-awaited Pikmin 3, which was nice. And then a special-edition Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition was shown. It was okay, but nothing outstanding that the game that's already out. And then it just kinda went south from there, when Nintendo soon gave the floor to Ubisoft (and you know Ubisoft, they're 8 out of 10 of their games are going to be forgettable). And, well, just watch some conference highlights on somewhere like GameSpot or the E3 website. Overall, though, it'll leave you feeling like Lemongrab.
But here's 12 announced and strongly-suggested games that I was hoping would be talked about more from Nintendo during their main E3 presentation, but they didn't and for the life in me I don't know why:
- Zelda HD (it's in the works and would've been pivotal--why not show something about it, even if just concept art?)
- Star Fox Wii U (one developed by Retro Studios, just as they said they'd like to do)
- Golden Sun 3DS (there's more 3DS games to announce later, but my hopes aren't up anymore...)
- Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS (again, it's in the works and would've been pivotal--show something)
- F-Zero Wii U (Miyamoto said he'd like to see it on Wii U--listen to the man!)
- Zone of Enders 3DS (Konami tweeted about the game--show something)
- Metroid Wii U (some guy hinted that it was in consideration--why not do it and show something?)
- Fire Emblem Wii U (I was confident that this game would be announced...)
- That announced RPG in development from Monolith
- Project C.A.R.S. (again, it's coming to the Wii U--why wasn't anything on it shown?)
- An MMORPG announcement from Funcom (as they indicated was a good possibility)
- Ghost Recon Online Arcade (this game was one of the first games to exist for Wii U and would've been one of Ubisoft's better games to show--why wasn't it shown anywhere during the main presentation?)
By fumbling that golden opportunity of a second first-impression of the Wii U to more dedicated "core" gamers, they've especially disappointed longtime fans like myself who can also still see how much potential the Wii U has, but just didn't get met last night. Now we currently look like fools for trusting Nintendo to knock it out of the part (for once). We still might gain some vindication later from the Wii U later, but for right now, we're in bandages.
Anyways, while it wasn't a total lose. At least I know that many of those games I listed are actually in development, and among some of the announced games for Wii U was the likes of Trine 2: Directors Edition a Wii U edition of Mass Effect 3, and a very interesting "mass-hero action" game currently called Project P-100. As bad as Nintendo was on-stage, I've actually seen worse lineup of launch titles (even the recent PS Vita comes to mind here). There's still more Nintendo 3DS games to be announced. And things are still early even for Wii U. So here's to looking on the bright side.
- Brian
Update [06/15/2012]: Nintendo's president Satoru Iwata has spoken some more about just why Nintendo only announced their launch titles at their E3 conference, and furthermore, reason why I shouldn't have doubted them (and it's so simple, really): They didn't want other people to copy their upcoming ideas for Wii U, so they're keeping quiet about it. Well, that's a relief!
But a lifelong fan, knowing their innovating characteristic and unconventional quirks for going against the grain, after many being relentlessly and shamelessly imitated, I should've known something like this was the reason why, because it was rather uncharacteristic of Nintendo. I mean, even last year, they did announce new Zelda and Super Smash Bros. title before they were even in production. All of a sudden, any remaining post-E3 stress I had has now died. Though even before now, as you can see in my writing above, I was already waning in my initial disappointment about their E3 conference. My anatomical structure has been prepared once again for Wii U, full throttle!
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